I live in the capital city surrounded by skyscrapers and water. It is very beautiful and I am glad the company has rented our accomodations here. The difficult thing is that we work about an hour away from where we live...with traffic it is easy a 90 min commute. Our work day starts at 5:45 am so we have to leave our apartment between 3:30 and 4:00 am. There is extra time coming in because of base security...go figure! :-)
This picture is looking out my living room window:
Right now we are watching the Muslims celebrate Ramadan - the holy month in which they fast during the day and eat all night. This means all the restaurants and stores are closed during the day...the exception is the grocery store. We can buy food during the day but we are not allowed to eat or drink in public. The good news is that this celebration ends with a 3-day holiday called Eid...since we are under Qatari labor laws, we also get the 3-days off. The start and end of the 3 days is determined by the moon...so it will either be this Sat-Mon or Sun-Tue, we are not sure yet. Regardless, it is 3 days to really explore Doha.
So far I have been to the City Center mall where there is a bowling alley and an ice skating rink...both of which I have not tried yet. But I will soon!
So far, honestly it has been mostly work, but I am slowly becoming acquainted with the area and have plans to begin venturing out more and more. As far as language school, I have been in contact with Qatar University and they offer several options for classes. I will have to wait until my work schedule is settled before I sign up and pay the tuition fees..this too will come in time.
Prayer Requests:
The requirements for Westerners to get a driver's license has changed recently and now it is very hard. It will be awful for me if I am unable to obtain one...this is very important.
Thank you.