Monday, April 13, 2009

New Life

We added a new member to our family. It is amazing to me that no matter how difficult situations get, the moment a new baby comes it brings everything into focus. Holding this little guy this morning...just a few days old...seemed to breathe new life right into me. What amazing possibilities there are for him! And I hope his mother would not mind me telling you this...but she considered abortion. Why? Well, the world told her that life would be easier without him. They may be might have been easier without him. But all it took was one look at his precious little face and this dear mother fell in love with him. That supreme love is worth all the sleepless nights, and difficulties that are coming to her. She knows she made the right decision. Life - what a gift we have - Let us praise God today for life and decide to lay it as an offering before Him. God Bless!