Sunday, August 31, 2008

10/40 Window

Sometimes you know something but you don't really KNOW it until you see it. I am compelled to write about the 10/40 window. This is the area extending from 10 degrees north latitude to 40 degrees north latitude, encompassing N. Africa, Middle East and extending East to China and the rest of SE Asia. The red portion of the map below highlights the area I am writing about.

The percentage of evangelical witness in this part of the world is reported to be less than 1%...I have been reading in some places it may be 0%.
I am particularly drawn to the Muslim populations. I have no issue with Islam so long as it is a choice...but these countries do not give their people a choice. Islam is forced upon them and choosing anything else likely results in death...or if they are spared just complete alienation from family and friends.

I knew this was the way things were...but coming back from Zambia and seeing a people (outside the 10/40 window) but deprived of God's Word nonetheless makes me KNOW. The Bible says, "Mine eye affecteth mine heart"...well that it did. This is not a slam against the faithful missionaries in Zambia that work tirelessly to evangelize and disciple...just an observation that there is more work than laborers.

So the call...does God want me to go back to Zambia where there is so much work to be done? I would love that...but I feel a greater call to go to an unreached people group...the Muslims in the 10/40 window. Relax...I am not selling the house and finding homes for my dogs just yet. But I can honestly say that it has consumed my thoughts for the past few days. I have been researching schools where I could learn Arabic - very preliminary thinking and planning. Most of those countries will not allow traditional methods of evangelism so creative ministry plans must be developed. I am committed to waiting on the Lord but I suspect I will be setting my eyes towards Africa again soon...this time to the far North - like Tunisia where we find an Arabic language school.

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