Saturday, August 23, 2008

Favorite WCC Memories

As I pause to consider the last 2 years much of it is a blur. The women and children's center opened August 16, 2006, I came up for air sometime around Christmas! Early on it was clear that God's hand was on the mission and He would guide us where we needed to be. I have two specific stories that to this day make me cry to think about - both are specific answers to prayer.

First, I love George Mueller. Well, actually I love missionary stories about ordinary people who believed God for extraordinary things. As many of you know, George Mueller ran several orphanages around England but he never asked for money. Instead he would pray. When it came time to eat and there was no food he would assemble the children around the table and pray for food. The story goes that neither he nor the children ever went without. God met their every need and always right on time.

The first few days of the mission opening were difficult. I spent many nights crying myself to sleep begging God to take care of one need or another. One particular night as I was on my way to bed I stopped to see how much milk we had left. There was not much...I had 2 choices: 1. grab my shoes and go buy some, or 2. pray. I decided to pray. On my knees in the apartment I said a very simple prayer that went something like this, "Lord, we need milk - I know you are the same God that George Mueller served and you met all his needs. Now, I am no George Mueller, but you are still God so I am asking you to send us some milk". Guess what? God heard and answered prayer - the next day we got a call about some milk needing to be picked up and before I knew it there were 150 half-gallons of milk in the walk-in refrigerator! We had so much milk we could not drink it all fast enough. That day I learned that our God is the "Giver of milk".

My second favorite story involves one of our residents. She came to me needing diapers. We had plenty of the smaller sizes but she needed size 5. We tried taping the smaller ones together but it would not work. She asked me what she should do - I told her to pray. A few days later she came to my office again. She told me that she has been praying but no bigger diapers had come in. I told her she needed to be patient and just trust that God was going to meet her need...before I could get the sentence out of my mouth there was a knock at the door. Someone had just made a random donation - can you guess what it was? Size 5 diapers! I wish everyone could have seen the look on that woman's face. I hope she never forgets that our God not only answers prayer - He answers specific prayer. Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us; "Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not".

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